Innovation First

Innovation first, which is the core philosophy of the school’s development strategy, means taking innovation as the driving force of the school’s development. The point of putting innovation first is that it can take the lead in the market, promote school development, enhance competitiveness, and realize long-term and steady development of the school.
The core of innovation first is to take innovation as the driving force of the school’s development, take innovation as the focus of the school’s development strategy, take innovation as the guiding ideology for school development, and take innovation as the basis for realizing long-term development of the school. In view of this, the principle of innovation first should go hand in hand with the reality of the school to promote its development, push forward the continuous improvement of the school, and enhance its competitiveness so as to ensure the sustainable development of the school.
In the implementation of innovation first, we should start with the school’s operation philosophy, activities, and culture. Innovation should be manifested in every aspect of the school. By giving full play to the roles of innovation, school development can be efficiently boosted. Secondly, by making use of external resources, the school can introduce new opportunities and resources to promote its own innovation and establish an effective new innovation mechanism.
To sum up, innovation first refers to taking innovation as the driving force of the school’s development, taking innovation as the focus of the school’s development strategy, and taking innovation as the core philosophy of the school’s sustainable development. Its implementation should be in line with the real situation of the school and make use of external resources in order to effectively lead school development.